Square Dancing at School

Updated July 29, 2008

The past six years I've worked with students at Peace Lutheran School in Antigo teaching them some square dancing. Their teacher, Ms Schultz, invited me to come and share with them the joys of square dancing during a period of six weeks in the winter. We usually had two one-hour sessions per week. At the end of the six weeks we put on a program for the parents and grandparents.

Dances that were taught were traditional square dances, some circle mixers, and some easy contra dances. The students were primarily the fifth graders, although one year we included the sixth grade, and the last two years we added the fourth grade.

The students at Peace Lutheran School have been the best young people I have taught. They listened and learned well and seemed to enjoy the dance, especially as they knew more about it. We encouraged them to sing along, and they certainly did, loudly!

You may contact us by promn8@newnorth.net

back to Northland Notes or to Camp Sweat or Bob's Corner; and may we also suggest Square Dances or maybe Contra Dances and then there's always Mixed Pics