Thought of the Week


C= Communication - there is no acceptable reason that all of the players on this team do not communicate during practices and competitions. Communication is done with verbal talking (ex: call every ball), body language actions ( ex: head hanging down when you make a mistake), facial expressions (ex: rolling your eyes when your teammates talk to you), eye contact (ex: when someone talks to you make eye contact with them) Learn how communication effects your team, both positive and negative

A= Attitude - make the choice in every action you perform and every move you make to do it with a POSITIVE attitude. Your attitude towards coach, team mates and most importantly yourself is a major determining factor on how successful you can be.

S= Serving- the one motor skill in volleyball you have full control over at all times. Your serving should always be a top priority skill to offer your team. Serving aces is one way a team can always get ahead in a match, be good at it.

E= Effort- a controllable that will draw the most attention to you in practice and competitions either in a positive or negative way.

Coaches can not teach effort, that comes from your heart, if you give a 100% effort in practice then giving that same effort in competitions will make the difference. Your teammates, coaches and parents will always respect a great effort, even if you fail.

As an ATHLETE, if you take care of the 4 controllable's that are listed you will never disappoint your coach, your teammates, your parents and most importantly yourself!!

Have fun and learn to love yourself as an athlete.